Laurence Depezay
Her education: Agricultural engineer (Toulouse), Masters in Information and Communication Sciences (University of Lille)
Her « life » before Symbiotik: after 14 years in Blédina’s research teams, she decided to put some more « green » in her life by joining the Bonduelle Foundation where she worked for 16 years, occasionally using Symbiotik’s services. In 2019, she began a new career by starting a PhD thesis and going freelance as a scientific writer.
Her motto: « Nothing is more constant than change. »
A lifelong cookery and gastronomy enthusiast1, Laurence is as knowledgeable about nutrition as she is about consumer choices, attitudes and practices, across all age groups2. Drivenas she is by an unwavering desire to participate in the transition to sustainable food3, fresh challenges are music to her ears4!
1: she made her first chocolate éclair at the age of 9
2: 14 years at Bledina Baby Food and is a graduate of the D.U. Aging and Longevity from the Lille Medical School
3 : member of the board of directors of OuiChange
4 : singer in the Chœur des Grands Amateurs de Radio France
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