Valérie Duflot
Her training : agricultural engineering degree at Agrocampus Ouest (top result in her year), human nutrition specialisation at AgroParisTech, and general management and business strategy at ESCP-Europe.
Her « life » before Symbiotik : agricultural and health journalist, editor-in-chief, then managing editor for a medical press group. She co-founded Symbiotik in 2009.
Her leitmotif : « « There are no problems, only solutions. » »
Her taste for challenge1 and her dual skills in science and strategy enable her to identify tailor-made solutions, in line with your values and objectives, that will make your communication fruitful 2 at the minimum expense3.
1: capable of dismantling of a wood-burning stove, a lock… or all the decorations of child’s escape game room in 2 minutes flat
2: gardening enthusiast, pruning and grafting fruit trees
3 : wrote a personal finance column for several years
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