Team Members

Isabelle Bordes

Her training : agricultural engineering degree specialising in nutrition and public health at AgroParisTech, journalistic writing at CFPJ. Her « life » before Symbiotik : scientific coordinator at the National Health Security Agency (ANSES) where she supervised, coordinated and drafted expert opinions on food for human consumption. She joined Symbiotik as a writer in 2016. Her favourite adage :…
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Valérie Duflot

Her training : agricultural engineering degree at Agrocampus Ouest (top result in her year), human nutrition specialisation at AgroParisTech, and general management and business strategy at ESCP-Europe. Her « life » before Symbiotik : agricultural and health journalist, editor-in-chief, then managing editor for a medical press group. She co-founded Symbiotik in 2009. Her leitmotif : « « There are no…
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Marie Martenot

Her training : agricultural engineering degree with a specialisation in the economics of sustainable development at AgroParisTech. Her “life” before Symbiotik : journalist and editor-in-chief for various press groups (agricultural, health) and for digital media (sustainable development). She co-founded Symbiotik in 2009. Her favourite phrase : « « Why complicate matters? » You want to be understood: explain!  »…
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Turnkey magazine: creation, editorial coordination, writing, layout.

Medical Biology

Creation, coordination, rewriting and organising the layout of a medical newsletter for the Cerballiance laboratory network


Writing articles drawing on the latest scientific research


Conception, editorial coordination, writing and layout of a quarterly newsletter on spices, aromatics and technological blends


Co-writing articles and thematic dossiers drawing on the latest scientific research on the health aspects of microbiota

Vegetable proteins

Writing a newsletter on vegetable proteins


Coordinating and drafting the content of a commercial brochure